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Meet Helen


Helen Cooper has over 35 years’ experience working with global premium and luxury brands, delivering high growth and outstanding projects that have transformed struggling brands into winners, and has launched award-winning products that have been both innovative and beautiful.

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Whilst she continues to work on multi-million dollar projects with big multinational companies, Helen has also noticed that there has been a significant shift occurring in the Luxury market over the past few years, driven by the New Luxury consumers from the Gen Z and Millennial groups. This Luxury Shift has started to drive the future of Luxury and open up new opportunities in developing markets such as India.


Being a bit of a maverick and a disruptor herself, this really appealed to her.


However, her discussions with aspiring luxury entrepreneurs and employees in India highlighted that they were failing to launch their ideas and careers successfully simply because they lacked two things: Confidence and Knowledge.

This is why she decided to create the ‘Find your Future in Luxury’ Programmes, so now she can share her lifetime of accumulated knowledge, insights, and expertise in strategic thinking, brand creation, and marketing excellence with students just like you.

Most Inspiring Woman

in Sustainable Luxury


Nationwide Women Excellence Awards 2022

The Programmes have taken nearly two years to develop, research and write, and she has gathered thoughts on the content from the entrepreneurs and employees that she mentors in different countries around the world, including all of the things that they wished they’d known when they were starting out. And as a former employer of numerous teams, she also knows what businesses are looking for in their new recruits into Luxury brands.

“I feel that there is a need to focus on the practical knowledge and skills that entrepreneurs, existing brand owners, and ambitious employees in Luxury need rather than repeat the history lessons of already successful western luxury brands. It is no good knowing what can be done if you don't know HOW to do it!


This practical application of knowledge is missing from all of the other courses that I have researched. I’ve designed each module to focus on specific topics, providing a straightforward explanation of theories and techniques, providing tips and easy to use guides in the essential skills that you need to possess. I've also created workbooks that encourage the practical application of the student’s knowledge, because in my experience that's when the learning becomes real.


I firmly believe that with knowledge comes Confidence, and with Confidence comes opportunities and success.”

Helen is keen to ensure that the Luxury opportunity isn’t just limited to the brand creators but also to existing brands wanting to upgrade their positioning, and employees who want to develop a long term career in Luxury. That's why all of our tutors have been hand-picked by her for their real-world knowledge and experience of Luxury for each of the courses that they teach.

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